To reset your password at a Concorde Career Colleges campus:
- Log into a Concorde Career Colleges computer
- Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete
- Click on 'Change a Password'
- Enter your old password
- Create a new password and confirm it
- Press enter to finish and change your password
To change your password from any computer:
- Using a web browser, navigate to the Office 365 account management page:
- If it is your first time logging into this page you will be asked for your current email address and password
- The website may also ask you to provide an alternate email address, phone number or security questions to help verify your identity
This information is required if you ever forget your password and need to use this website to recover it
- The website may ask for your current time zone
- Once you are logged in, click on the Settings link in the upper right hand corner
- Click on Password
- Enter your old password
- Create a new password and confirm it
- Select Submit to finish and change your password
Click here for a video demonstration of this process
To recover a forgotten password:
Go to:
or select forgot password when signing into webmail.
Password Complexity Requirements:
- Not contain the user's account name or parts of the user's full name that exceed two consecutive characters
- Be at least fourteen characters in length
- Contain characters from three of the following four categories:
- English uppercase characters (A through Z)
- English lowercase characters (a through z)
- Base 10 digits (0 through 9)
- Non-alphabetic characters (for example, !, $, #, %)
If you continue to have issues with resetting your password:
- Employees, please contact the Concorde HelpDesk
- Students, please contact your Registrar or LRC Coordinator
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